When I left Tucson the first of March I had everything set in my mind as to what would happen during that month in Tioga, ND. Well it has not turned out quite what I expected. From the day that we were sitting in a diesel gas bay in Stanley ND with a truck that would not start to today where we are in a working RV space but no truck yet we have endured. God has been faithful and blessed us through it all.
Chuck will finish his two weeks of work tomorrow and I pray that, starting Monday, we can get the truck fixed, get a PO box, get water turned on, the sewer connected, have the skirting put up, and internet connectivity established.
The company that Chuck works for has been very accommodating to us by letting us have access to one of the company apartments for showering, doing laundry and dishes. We finally got the WiFi logon so internet will be available. We are looking into internet set up at the RV because it is not available at the RV park.
Speaking of the RV park the manager has been trying earnestly to get us set up and he has not charged us any rent yet. The sewer connection never thawed out and because we had no sewer we couldn't connect water because our holding tank capacity is limited. We have since moved and the space we are in now works but we are not hooked up yet because Chuck has not been home to do it. He leaves every morning at 5am and gets home around 7pm so once he his home he eats, and goes to bed.
Speaking of our moving God did the most amazing thing.
Tuesday I got a call and the man on the phone said he was Wes from A&W Towing in New Town, the company who took us, with great care from Stanley to Tioga. He said he was online and had googled his company name and my blog came up!!!! He read it and told the guys, Dave and Mark, who had been so wonderful to us he was going to call me and offer to move our RV to a working space!!! When he told me I was speechless and overcome.
I didn't cry, but almost.
Chuck worked fervently with the park manager to find a good space and Wednesday afternoon my angels of the tow truck arrived and within a half hour we were moved.
The truck they used to move us was Wes' own personal truck.
Chuck and I took Dave, Mark and Dave's daughter Trinity to 42 Grill for burgers as a thank you. These people are truly good hearted and kind.
Nancy, Chuck, Trinity, Dave and Mark.
I am humbled.
Cooper and I have found a nice field nearby for him to romp around in and do his business. I can take him off the leash and let him run. He loves it.
This is a view of the RV park where we live.
This is the other direction which looks toward the company apartments. I am excited to see what these trees will look like in the spring.
Cooper in his field.
Yesterday it snowed all day but unlike snow in other places like New England or Minnesota there had accumulated less than two inches. It was loose and powdery and Cooper had fun in it.
This is after snowing all day. The top pic is my meager effort at taking a photo of the snow falling. The bottom is a view of the road.
Dear friends and family, we are doing well. My husband is patient and well fed and I love the cold!