Friday, November 22, 2013

Gearing up

Chuck will be starting his new job December 16th, so we are gearing up with the planning. Everyday we talk about what is first, then next and how to put it all in place.

Today is a thoughtful day with the rain, clouds and wind. It is cool out and I am feeling reflective. I do not care for the idea of being apart from my husband, however this opportunity will give us a boost into the future.

Once when Chuck left for a week to look after his parents in Reno, I realized that in my sleep I reach over with my foot and touch him. Him not being there woke me from my slumber. I piled the pillows onto his side of the bed and had  Mocha sleep with me.  I was able to rest after that.  He laughed when he got home to see the pile of pillows. 

I know I wil have bouts of gloomy, sad and blue during the holidays but I will be with my children and they understand me and my co-dependence. I have even promised Chelsea I will go to a movie theater with her! If anyone knows me they know I have a kind of germ phobia about theaters. I think it stems from working in biology. I feel like I am sitting in an incubator with bacteria swarming over me.  I know - that is extreme so my agreeing to go is pretty big.

This week while the family Thanksgiving celebration is happening I plan to have my sisters take the things they want from the house, the things that are inheritances. When Melissa is here at Christmas time I have things for her as well. Since we will be traveling back and forth and perhaps having people rent the house while visiting Tucson I want to depersonalize the house. I want no chance of anything of emotional value to be at even minimal risk.

There is a time for everything under heaven.

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