Sunday, November 2, 2014

Trying to catch up


I realized I hadn't done anything with this blog in a while so it is time to catch up. This week is Chuck's last one of his three week long night shift duty. He has been through a few really cold, windy and some rainy/snowy nights these last two weeks. He has the best clothes for working in this weather so he hasn't been uncomfortable. He's also been eating much more regularly at this new site versus the old one. A lot of times at the old site he wouldn't get the chance to snack or eat until his shift was almost over and it was not good for him.

The move to Dickinson was a good one for my honey.

He was proud to tell me that they had a really great month in October and the higher ups were pleased. In fact his supervisor bought everyone a bunch of FR (flame retardant) cold weather work clothes. Head-to-toe new stuff. I can't imagine how much it cost but the crew appreciate it and feel appreciated too. I am really proud of him, and am ready for his two weeks down here.

Family talk down here has been about Thanksgiving plans.

Chuck will be back in Dickinson by that week so that puts me kind of at the mercy of whomever or whatever. My nephew Kris asked me about my plans and we started talking. He even said something about getting Melissa back here for it and that got me very excited.  Then my sister Mary in Phoenix asked me the same thing and said that her son, future daughter-in-law and their new baby would be there. Mmmm baby skin nibble on. She wanted to have my mom and Bob to come up and I asked Kris what he thought. He was going to get back to me.

And then things started rolling.

Mary's will be a full house with lots of love, food, laughs, football and conversation. I texted Melissa and she loved the idea of seeing Nick, Darlene and baby Alex so now I'm waiting to hear from Kris. It has really perked me up thinking of it all.

I have to admit that when I get a chance I have been watching all of those smarmy, romantic Christmas shows on Hallmark Channel. They are so formula and predictable but it is kind of like reading a series of romantic novels about a family of seriously gorgeous sons and the seriously beautiful soul mates they find. I have to set the alarm on my phone to quit after a set amount of time. They are addictive.

Hmmm, that sounds like a blog for "".


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