Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving melancholy

I've been off for a few days getting ready to host my last holiday with Chuck for a while. I go back and forth between excited for the holiday and a bit of mellow about not being with him for our anniversary and Christmas. I keep holding him and touching him.  We will have our 34th anniversary on December 22nd.

He is ready to go and start his new career. I'm thinking constantly about what need to be done next. I've been drinking a bit more wine that usual, and get aggravated easily. No telling how obnoxious I will be when he is gone. He arranged to arrive in Tioga on the 17th. My heart will be with him.

 Two pies are completed, the fixings for cherry crumb cake, green bean casserole, stuffing and deviled eggs are ready to go. The turkey is thawed out and we will have a very fun time. Hope to Skype with my kids and watch a football game in the yard.


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