Saturday, July 12, 2014

Job hunt and night shift

I've decided I want to get a job up here to help fund our future plans and expedite the process. Even though we are doing okay there are some things that need a few more dollars to put it in motion. I have leads on two jobs, one with the post office in Tioga and one at the same place Chuck works.

I'm thinking that which ever one comes through first (if either) then that is the course I will follow. We have been talking about what our next steps are and if we will hold onto the house in Catalina. There have been lots of back and forth about how things need to be done and what is first, etc. Lots of prayers and talking have been going on. Looking to know what God's will is and to be in it.

Chuck starts his two week nightshift Monday so we have been trying to get him back into being awake at night and sleeping days-man am I so out of whack with my sleeping and eating.

One of the best things about this two weeks is at the end of it Melissa will be visiting us! We have been looking for cool things to show her. Lot's of history around here which might be interesting to a history teacher. In our driving around the north eastern part of the state there is such gorgeous country that is so different from Arizona. Besides how vivid the green hills and valleys are there is water everywhere. Lakes, ponds, huge rivers and meandering creeks. I am so enjoying the explorations.

I have to admit I miss having my things with me. My furniture and dishes, photographs and books, and my nice roomy kitchen. I am not stir crazy but there are times I think about them. My yard and the gardens and trees and the space of the acre I bring up in my mind. I would rather they were here than in Catalina though.

We will see.


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